Play Together Crèche takes all reasonable measures to guard against the outbreak of fire and in the event of a fire occurring ensure as is reasonably practicable the safety of the staff and children on the premises.
Play Together Crèche ensures that they comply with all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements are in place to ensure that the service is fully prepared for in terms of fire safety.
Legislation and regulatory requirements
Under the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, Regulation 10 requires a Fire Safety Policy. This policy specifying that:
· The frequency and timing of fire drills to be carried out in the service; and
· The way in which the record in writing referred to in Regulation 26 Fire Safety Measures is to be maintained.
Play Together Crèche ensures that all employees, unpaid workers and contractors are:
· Aware of and trained in the procedures to be followed in case of fire in the service; and
· Familiar with the location of any firefighting equipment and trained in the use of such equipment.
There are further requirements under:
· Regulation 23: Safeguarding Health, Safety and Welfare of the Child sets out what is required for implementation with regard to the fire safety policy requirements.
· Regulation 26: Fire Safety Measures sets out the fire safety records that must be retained by an early years service, how long they must be kept for and who can have access to these records.
Our policy is developed with reference to Fire Safety in Preschools 1999. Play Together Crèche adhere to the Fire Services Department guidance in relation to fire safety.
Play Together Crèche ensures that we are comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 that also sets out specific requirements for employers regarding fire safety requirements.
Children need:
· The adults who are responsible for their safety to be appropriately prepared for dealing with the risk of fire.
· The adults to be absolutely clear on all aspects of fire safety, the service’s approach to fire safety and their responsibilities for ensuring the children’s safety.
Parents’/Guardians’ needs
· To be absolutely clear on what the service does to prevent fire, to ensure that any fire would be quickly detected and to ensure that their child will be prepared for an emergency evacuation and will be safely evacuated from the building should an alarm sound or a fire occur.
· To know that they will be contacted at the earliest opportunity in the event of any fire occurring at the service.
All staff members need:
· To know clearly and precisely what is required of them in relation to their specific responsibilities to help prevent fire occurring, to ensure that any fire will be detected quickly, to prepare the children for emergency evacuation and to ensure that everyone is safely evacuated from the building should an alarm sound or a fire occur.
· To be clear on the procedure for informing parents/guardians.
· To be familiar with the location of fire-fighting equipment.
· To be clear on what must be recorded, who is responsible for recording it and how.
· Very clear and precise written step-by-step procedural guidance to help them with correctly implementing this policy.
Management needs to ensure that:
· All of the legislative and regulatory requirements relating to fire safety are adequately and appropriately met.
· All staff team members are provided with clear and precise information on what their individual responsibilities are in relation to fire prevention.
· Any fire can be detected quickly, to prepare the children for any emergency evacuation and to safely evacuate everyone from the building should an alarm sound or a fire occur.
· All staff members are clear on their responsibilities in relation to monitoring, reviewing and record keeping including what must be recorded and how.
· A Fire Safety Officer is nominated, appropriately trained and is clear on the role and responsibilities.
National Quality Frameworks
· Tusla: Quality and Regulatory Framework
· Síolta: The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education
· Keeping Communities Safe – A Framework for Fire Safety in Ireland
A set of practices intended to eliminate or reduce the risk of fire, and to ensure the safety of occupants and limit damage if a fire occurs. |
At Play Together Crèche we do everything necessary to ensure that all reasonable measures for fire prevention and fire safety are taken.
We have a nominated Lidia Glowka as a Fire Safety Officer. Our Fire Safety Officer is appropriately trained. All staff members are trained in fire prevention and fire safety procedures and practices. Each individual staff member understands their role and responsibilities in relation to the fire safety measures in the service.
All of the children who are old enough are educated about fire, fire safety and the evacuation procedures and are supported to regularly practice how to evacuate calmly and safely from the building.
Appropriate fire detection and control equipment (for example, fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire blankets and fire extinguishers) are in place and we ensure that they are properly maintained and in proper working order.
Records are kept of monitoring and maintenance of all fire detection and control equipment. Records are also kept of all fire drills as well as all monitoring and reviews carried out.
Fire exits are clearly identifiable. All fire doors are kept free from obstruction and are easily opened from the inside.
Play Together Crèche have clear written procedures on this policy for all aspects of fire safety including:
· Fire prevention
· Training and informing staff members
· Educating and preparing the children on fire safety and safe evacuation
· Raising the alarm if necessary and contacting emergency services
· Emergency evacuation
· Notifying parents of any accidents or incidents
· Monitoring, reviewing and recording all activities relating to fire prevention and fire safety.
Fire Prevention
Employees should be aware of the location of the firefighting equipment on the premises and the method of operation of this equipment prior to use in an emergency.
Fire Preventing measures include the following:
· preventing the accumulation of waste materials;
· ensuring that electrical and gas appliances are in safe working condition;
· ensuring that upholstered seating is in good condition;
· ensuring that open-fires or portable heating appliances are not used, and that all heat emitting surfaces are suitably protected by a fixed safety guard or are thermostatically controlled to ensure safe surface temperatures;
· ensuring that waste receptacles such as dustbins should be made from non-combustible materials;
· ensuring that cooking equipment is safely used; and
· ensuring that flammable liquids or gases are not stored inside the building.
Fire Safety Officer
The Fire Safety Officer (Lidia Glowka) is assigned responsibility for the implementation and overseeing fire safety in the service. Fire Safety Officer is appropriately trained.
Fire Safety Officers’ Responsibilities and Duties are;
· To organise fire drills at any time of the different days.
· Fire prevention
· Training and informing staff members
· To ensure Fire drills are carried out on a regular basis, at least once a month.
· To ensure that Fire extinguishers and alarms are being checked regularly.
· To ensure all the Fire Safety equipment are working.
· To ensure that all staff trained at least every 2 years.
· To ensure that fire drill records are kept.
Training and information
· Play Together Crèche ensure all staff receive instruction and training on fire prevention and fire safety procedures. The required training is set out in Fire Safety in Preschools 1999 and includes that staff are:
· Aware of and trained in the procedures to be followed in case of fire in the service; and
· Familiar with the location of any fire fighting equipment and trained in the use of such equipment.
· Play Together Crèche ensures that clear information and appropriate training is provided for all staff. The way in which people respond when they discover a fire or hear a fire alarm will determine whether the fire will pose a threat to their safety. Prompt and appropriate action by staff members will allow them to leave the building unharmed and can help to make sure that any fire is brought under control quickly.
· Play Together Crèche ensures that Fire safety training is introduced in our inductions. Staff will receive training on Fire Drill at least once a month.
Fire safety equipment
· Lidia Glowka and Iwona Sawicka are responsible for updating and monitoring the fire prevention and fire safety equipment in the building and making sure it is in working order (e.g. fire extinguishers and fire blankets).
· The written records of fire drills and checks for fire equipments are kept up to 5 years.
· Play Together Creche’s Fire Safety Officer determines by visual inspection that the equipment is in place and is ready to use if required.
Fire Doors
· Ensure that fire doors are kept closed at all times to prevent the spread of the fire and/or toxic smoke.
· All staff is trained on how to store materials, equipment and make sure that fire doors are kept free of any obstructions that they can be safely and effectively used at all times.
· All fire fighting equipment will be serviced annually and a record maintained of the service dates.
· Staff will be trained on how to use fire fighting equipment. A record of this training will be recorded.
· All staff informed that any equipment or material that may obstruct evacuation during fire must be removed.
· All flammable materials (oils, polish etc) are safely stored outside of the children’s areas. Waste is promptly disposed of and, in general, precautions are taken to ensure the prevention of occurrences likely to constitute a fire hazard.
Procedure for preparing the children for fire drill/evacuation
· Fire drills with the children are carried out by using fire ropes to keep children in a single line. One rope is available in each room. The youngest children are evacuated in the special evacuation cot- the cot is taking outside and the babies are putted in.Cot can accommodate 6 children.
· The children will be kept in a line and brought to the fire assembly point which is behind the wall on the left car parking side.
· Timing: fire drills usually take between 2-4 min. Fire drills are carried out at least once a month.
· Commence an orderly evacuation of the building.
· The Manager will check that all the rooms are unoccupied including sleep rooms and bathrooms.
· Close the doors and windows as each check is completed.
· The Manager will take the daily attendance sheets/E-pods and a list of Parents Telephone Numbers to the Assembly Point.
· Lidia Glowka is responsible of Fire drill records which are kept in the office.
· Record keeping includes fire drill, checks for fire equipment ( fire extinguisher, blankets) and others (fire alarm, smoke and heat detectors).
Procedure in the event of fire
Fire Safety in Preschools 1999 Chapter 2 (Section 2.5) sets out the requirements for the emergency procedures and evacuation drills in the event of Fire or other emergency.
Play Together Crèche has predetermined plan broken down as follows:
· Raising the alarm
· Calling the fire brigade
· A clear evacuation procedure
· An assembly point and roll call procedure
· Fighting the fire (if safe to do so)
· Assisting the fire brigade.
Raising the alarm:
· All occupants are aware of how to raise the alarm.
· Alarm sounders are different and distinct from any other signal used in the building.
Calling the Fire Brigade:
The Fire Brigade will be called immediately in the event of fire by the Designated Person (Lidia Glowka/ Elzbieta Grochowska/Drohomira Suniar). When calling the Fire Brigade give clear information including:
· Play Together Crèche
· 172 Rosan Glas, Play Together Crèche, Galway
· Eircode :H91 V3W5
· Clear directions to the building
· Type of fire situation (if available), for example, fire location, fire size, materials involved, persons missing.
Evacuation procedure:
· Commence an orderly evacuation of the building.
· The Manager will check that all the rooms are unoccupied including sleep rooms and bathrooms.
· Close the doors and windows as each check is completed.
· The teachers take the attendance sheets and tablets to the Assembly Point.
Assembly point and roll call procedure:
· Assemble Children and staff at a safe pre-arranged point (the wall on the left car parking side).
· A roll call or head count should be carried out, based on the daily attendance sheets.
· The group should then proceed to a nearby safe house, from which the parents can be contacted.
Procedure for fighting the fire:
· It may be possible, by the use of firefighting equipment such as a fire extinguisher or fire blanket (where it is safe to do so), to control or extinguish a very small fire incident, but any such intervention should not delay evacuation or calling the fire brigade.
Assisting the Fire Brigade:
When the Fire Brigade arrives they need to be given as much information as possible in order to take the best course of action. The type of information required includes:
· The location of the fire; materials involved; details of missing persons; location of nearest fire hydrants; location of all access doors to the building; location of any special risks.
· Keys for access into any locked areas.
Drills should be carried out at regular intervals to test the effectiveness of the predetermined arrangements. The aims of a fire evacuation drill are:
· To ensure safe, orderly and efficient evacuation of all occupants of the building to use all exit facilities available in order that occupants are familiar with them.
· To test all aspects of the emergency procedures.
· To achieve an attitude of mind that helps everyone to respond appropriately in the event of a fire or other emergency situation.
These drills are undertaken at different times of the day and on different days of the week. The fire drill is initiated by activating the fire alarm and all stages of the drill will be observed and a review of the drill will be held. Any deficiencies can then be noted and remedied.
Emergency evacuation procedure
If you discover a fire or one is reported to you:
· Raise Alarm using fire alarm
On sounding or hearing the alarm, stop whatever you are doing and leave the building with the children by your designated fire exit route. Use the following routine:
· When the fire alarm sounds, the children are asked in a calm manner to form a line without delay.
· The youngest children are evacuated in the special evacuation cot - the folded cot is taken out and then children from the line are putted into it. Evacuating cots can accommodate 6 children.
· Led by the teachers children leave the building by the shortest route.
· The childcare staff take the role book and tablets
· Once outside stay outside
· The childcare staff take a role call immediately.
· Do not stop to collect personal belongings or to put on coats.
· If possible, close doors and windows en route.
· Meet at the assembly point, which is behind the wall on the left car parking side.
· Do not re-enter the building until management of the fire brigade - fire safety officer informs you it is safe to do so.
· A roll call will be carried out by teachers at the assembly point to ensure all persons are accounted for.
· Each room leader must report to the nominated person in charge of the evacuation procedure to verify that everyone in their charge is accounted for or to inform him/her of any persons missing.
· The person in charge of the roll call must identify themselves to the Fire Brigade on their arrival. In doing so, vital information can be relayed to the Fire Safety Officer, which will dictate the necessary actions to be carried out by the Fire Brigade.
· Inform the parents in case of Accidents/Incidents/ injuries.
Procedure for informing parents/guardians
The Manager will take the daily attendance sheets and a list of Parents, Staff members contact details to the Assembly Point.
Monitoring, reviewing and recording all activities relating to fire prevention and fire safety
· Recording the fire drills that take place at least once a month
· Fire drill records including date, time, notification method used at the time, number of occupants evacuated, person conducted the drill, special conditions simulated, problem encountered, weather conditions when occupants were evacuated and timing required to accomplish complete evacuation.
· Fire drill records are kept in the office.
· The number, type and maintenance records of fire-fighting equipment and smoke alarms.
· The retention of records are five years after it has been created.
· All staff members have access to those records.
Fire Risk Assessment
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, a Fire Risk Assessment is carried out regularly to identify any hazards present, assess the risks arising from such hazards and identify the steps to be taken to deal with any risks.
A safety statement is prepared which is based on the Risk Assessment. The statement contains the details of staff members who are responsible for Fire Safety issues.
These persons are Iwona Sawicka and Lidia Glowka
The Fire Risk Assessment and Fire Safety Statement can be viewed on a regular basis as necessary.
The Fire Safety Statement is reviewed by the management on a regular basis.
Play Together Crèche ensures that Fire Risk Assessments carried out through daily checklists for indoor and outdoor.
Risk assessments in relation to fire safety is highlighted to everyone. There are five steps to fire risk assessment:
Our daily and weekly assessments are taking place to identify any fire hazards or hazardous equipment that may cause a fire. All the doors are kept free from any obstructions for easy and quick escape.
People at risk as follows: employees, employer, children and visitors to the premises.
Step 3 Evaluate, remove or reduce and protect from risk
What we have found in steps 1 and 2 will be action taking to reduce any risks to protect people and premises.
We are keeping records of the risks that have identified and what actions we have taken to reduce or remove them.
Regularly review our Risk Assessment to make sure it remains up to date and reflects any changes that may have happened.
5. Communication plan for Parents and Staff
All parents are to be informed of the policy and procedures regarding Fire Safety on registration. Staff members will check with parents/guardians that they have read and understood the policy and provide any assistance needed.
The Policy Statement will be included in the parent handbook. All staff members will receive training and this policy will also be reviewed with staff at induction and annual staff training.
A copy of all policies will be available during all hours of operation to all staff and to parents/guardians in the Policy Folder located on Play Together Creche’s website at www.playtogethergalway.com
Policies are shared with all parents/guardians via email.
Parents/guardians may receive a copy of the full policy at any time upon request. Parents/guardians and staff will receive notification of any updates through Play together Creche’s official communication panel.
6. Related Policies, Procedures and Forms
· Risk Management Policy
· Staff Training Policy
· Accidents and Incidents Policy
· Health and Safety Policy
· Record Keeping Policy
· Interaction and Communication Policy
· Accident Report Form
6. Related Policies, Procedures and Forms
· Tusla Quality and Regulatory Framework
· Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016
· Safety Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 and 2010 and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007
· Fire Safety in Pre-Schools Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 1999
· Fire safety procedure Early Years and Childcare Service Surrey County Council, UK
· Fire Safety for Preschools and Childcare Facilities: General Guidance County Limerick Childcare Committee and Limerick County Fire and Rescue Service, 2015, contains some useful templates.
· Fire Safety Information from The Health and Safety Authority
· Síolta: The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education
· Keeping Communities Safe – A Framework for Fire Safety in Ireland
· Guidance from Cork City Fire brigade
8. Who Must Observe This Policy
· This policy must be observed by registered provider Iwona Sawicka, managers and all staff members.
9. Actions to be Followed if the Policy is not Implemented
· If the policy is not implemented, investigation will be taken by Manager/Owner (Iwona Sawicka).
· If you, as a staff member or a parent, consider that this policy is not being implemented, you can follow the Complaints Policy and Procedure to make a complaint.
10. Contact Information
If you need more information about this policy, contact:
Name |
Iwona Sawicka
Phone number or email |
0833187143 091/458167 or 091/458999 |
11. Policy Created
Date this policy was created |
March 2016 |
12. Signatures
Name and position |
Signature |
Approved by |
Iwona Sawicka |
Iwona Sawicka |
13. Review Date
Reviewed |
March 2017 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed |
March 2018 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed |
March 2019 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed and updated
Reviewed |
March 2020
March 2021 |
Iwona Sawicka
Iwona Sawicka |
Next Review Date
Date this policy will be reviewed |
March 2022 |