Play Together crèche has a duty of care to all children and their families, and to adults who work in or visit the service, to prevent accidents and to respond effectively to accidents and emergencies that occur at the service or while in the care of the service, i.e. during planned outings.
Parents or guardians have a right to expect that any accidents, incidents or injuries to their children will be taken seriously and that a quick, efficient response will be available. In the event of serious injuries, treatment will be accessed immediately. They are also entitled to expect serious investigation and, if necessary, remedial action to be taken to prevent a similar accident from occurring again.
The purpose of the policy is:
· To help to prevent accidents and injuries.
· To ensure that in the event of accident, incident or injury, the necessary actions are taken to protect the safety, health and welfare of children, staff members or visitors.
· To ensure that any accidents, incidents or injuries are managed in a controlled and precise way and that the children’s welfare is a priority.
· To ensure the provision of a clear, structured procedure for staff members to deal with emergency situations.
· To ensure that accidents and incidents are recorded in a consistent manner.
· To provide parents or guardians with clear and appropriate information to make necessary decisions.
Legislation and regulatory requirements
· The Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 require that a policy on Accidents and Incidents is written and implemented.
· Under the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 and 2010 and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, employers have a duty to ensure the employees’ safety, health and welfare at work as far as is reasonably practicable and to carry out risk assessments and provide safety statements.
· The Infectious Diseases Regulations 1981
Children need:
· To be as safe and protected as possible.
· The adults responsible for their care to respond as quickly and efficiently as possible in the event of an accident or incident.
· If they are injured to be kept under adult supervision and as comfortable and reassured as possible until their parents/guardians arrive or medical assistance is provided.
Parents/guardians need:
· To be confident that procedures are in place that ensure that the service is a safe place and their child’s needs will be fully met in the event of an accident, incident or injury.
· To know that should an accident, incident or injury involving their child occur:
· they will be contacted at the earliest possible time;
· they will be informed sensitively of the accident/incident; and
· following any investigation, all relevant information about their own child will be shared with them.
Staff needs:
· Absolute clarity on the service’s approach to dealing with accidents, incidents or injuries involving any of the children, any staff member or any visitor to the service.
· To know exactly what the procedure is immediately following any accident, incident or injury to ensure the protection of the children and each other as well as any visitors to the service.
· To be clear on what information must be recorded and who must be informed/notified of what, when and in what way.
Management needs
· To know that this policy provides the information and clarity that all staff members and parents/guardians who use the service need, in order to help them to protect the safety, health and welfare of the children, all staff members and visitors to the service.
· To ensure that any safety issues and/or notifications of any accidents/incidents are brought to their attention, that all required reporting and notifications are carried out appropriately and efficiently.
National Quality Frameworks
· Tusla: Quality and Regulatory Framework
· Síolta: The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education
These may result from choking, falls, burns, drowning, swallowing toxic or other materials, cuts from sharp objects, exposure to environmental hazards such as chemicals or lead, animal bites or other accidents. Injuries can also be due to bites, fights, assault or abuse. |
Injury to a child while attending the service that requires immediate medical treatment by a registered medical practitioner in hospital or otherwise. |
An unusual, unplanned event that may result in injury, illness or damage or disruption of normal service operations. |
An unpredictable and therefore, unavoidable event. Including an unintentional injury.
At Play Together Crèche, it is our policy to promote the health, well-being and personal safety of all our children and staff. Through developing and regularly reviewing accident prevention procedures and fire safety. Although we adhere to all safety precautions and follow Tusla guidelines, accidents can occur.
All possible precautions are taken to prevent and avoid any accidents/incidents that could cause harm to children or adults (staff and visitors) in the service. This includes carrying out risk assessments and providing a Safety Statement as guided and informed by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), ensuring the environment is safe (while allowing for appropriate levels of risk and challenge) and providing adequate and appropriate supervision of the children at all times.
Should an incident occur, staff will immediately alert the Manager (Iwona Sawicka). It is the responsibility of the manager to determine whether the incident is deemed to be a critical incident. In the case of a critical incident, the manager or designated person will lead the emergency response guided by the Critical Incident Plan[1].
Where there is an accident or an incident in which a child or an adult in the service is injured, staff members will ensure that the child or adult is attended to, proper treatment is given and appropriate measures are taken to avoid any worsening of the situation.
The injury will be given immediate attention and be assessed by a staff member with First Aid training to determine what type of medical attention, if any, is required.
The GP and/or the emergency services will be contacted immediately if there is any concern for a child’s welfare. Steps to take in an emergency are detailed clearly in each room and the office.
Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately if the accident, incident or injury involves a child and is serious enough to require attention from a qualified medical practitioner or the emergency services. In the case of an adult, their next of kin will be contacted immediately if the injured person requires an ambulance and/or hospitalisation.
At a minimum one person trained in First Aid for children will be on the premises at all times. At least one person with training in First Aid for children will always accompany the children on outings.
A written Incident Report will always be documented and kept on record in the event of any accident, incident or injury to any child or adult in the premises or while in the care of Play Together Crèche. State agencies will be notified as appropriate and as required by legislation or regulation.
· A Safety statement is prepared and reviewed on a regular basis.
· Children will be adequately supervised in accordance with the recommended child/adult ratios dictated by the Childcare (Preschool Services) Regulations, 2016.
· Each room is designed for easy and unobtrusive supervision by the adults at all times.
· Our staff knows which children are present at any one time.
· Adequate staff ratios are always maintained at all times.
· Our staff have a clear understanding of each child and their stage of development.
· We ensure that no child can leave the premises undetected.
· The main door is locked with a door entry system.
· Ensuring appropriate equipment, furniture and materials are available and used by the children in a safe manner.
· Ensuring new equipment, materials introduce to children for the ways to use it.
· Windows and doors have safety appropriate glass with restricted opening safety devices.
· All electrical sockets are fitted with safety covers.
· Furniture and equipment are arranged to minimize safety risks.
· Checking for and removing choking hazards in areas where children under the age of three years are present (or any older child who regularly puts items other than food in their mouth).
· Ensuring that no cords are accessible to children, in particular cords on blinds.
· Ensuring that all hazardous cleaning materials are stored out of reach of children.
· Ensuring that bars in cots or stairs are no more than 6cm apart for round bars/7.5cm apart for flat bars.
· Sun block protection will be used during hot weather; parents will be advised to provide a hat that covers the head, neck, ears.
· Regularly checking both indoor and outdoor play areas for, and getting rid of, hazards.
· Safety drills involving staff and children are regularly practiced randomly, without warning and at different times of the day.
· Ensuring that children are engaging activities appropriate for their age and stage of development to prevent minor injuries, such as scrapes and bruises.
· Medical supplies are checked regularly.
Children are allowed to engage in risky play and explore the limits of their bodies. While injuries can happen during any type of play, the following are ways to help prevent injuries:
· Opportunities for children to release anger in acceptable ways are provided. Running outside, kicking balls, and other physical play allows children to let off steam. Outdoor play in general helps to keep children engaged and calm.
· Coping skills are taught and reinforced.
· Children are encouraged and supported to express feelings verbally.
· Clear limits are set for children's behaviour. The children are involved in deciding those limits so that they understand their purpose. Parents are made aware of the limits.
· It is explained to a child who is showing aggressive behaviour how the aggressive actions affect the other person.
· A child's aggressive behaviour will be redirected where possible by, for example, engaging the child in play or activity that interests the child.
(See Behaviour Guidance Policy for further detail.)
In the event of an accident/ incident
· The First Aid box is always fully equipped, easily identifiable and location is known to all staff. Any substances, which may cause an allergy, will not be included.
· A designated First Aider (certified) is on the premises at all times.
· Staff must wear protective clothing (disposable apron and gloves) to clean any bodily fluids or spillages.
· If a child is involved in an incident or accident, they will be taken into a quiet area, if possible.
· All accidents/incidents, even minor ones, are recorded in an accident record book, minor accidents will be treated and parents/guardians informed of the injury. Records are accessible to all relevant staff in case of an emergency.
· Parents will be asked to sign off on the accident report and will receive a copy.
· In the case of a serious accident, we have a local doctor on call; they will be called and the child’s parents/guardians, contacted immediately or we will call an ambulance.
· If the child has to go to the hospital immediately the childcare worker will accompany the child, if the ambulance personnel permit. The child’s record will be taken to the hospital.
· The childcare worker will not sign for any treatment to be carried out on the child in the hospital. The childcare worker will wait with the child until the parent/carer arrives.
· All serious accidents will be reported to the Insurance Company.
· Parents are responsible for all doctors or hospital fees where applicable.
Procedure in the Event of an Accident or Incident
1. Immediate First Aid is to be administered.
The person trained in First Aid for Children is to make an initial assessment of the injury to ascertain whether medical attention is required (see Dealing With Serious Accidents/Incidents: When To Call Emergency Services)
2. The child is to remain under continuous adult supervision and be comforted until the child recovers or the child’s parents/guardians or the parent’s nominated carer takes charge of the child.
Procedure for Dealing with a Serious Accident/incident
1. In the case of a more serious accident, the child must not be moved and must be kept warm.
2. If an ambulance is needed the person administering First Aid must ask the manager or designated person in charge to call for the ambulance.
3. The manager or person in charge will contact the child's parents/guardians or, if they can’t be reached, their named emergency contact person to advise them of the incident.
4. The manager or person in charge will arrange for emergency relief cover so that one member of the staff team can accompany the child in the ambulance if necessary.
5. If the child has to go to the hospital before the parents/guardians arrive, an adult known to the child must accompany the child and stay until a parent/guardian arrives.
6. The manager or designated person in charge is to decide which staff member should accompany the child.
7. A parent/guardian is to be asked to sign an accident/incident report form as soon as possible to confirm their notification of the accident/incident.
8. The manager or person in charge will contact the Registered Provider (if he/she is not present at the time) to inform them of the accident/incident and the steps taken.
9. In the event of a serious accident constituting an emergency for the setting, the manager or person in charge will contact the parents/guardians of the other children to advise them of an emergency, and request they arrive to collect their children as soon as they can.
10. The manager or person in charge will ensure that the Accident/Incident Report is completed, shared with parents/guardians and signed appropriately.
Dealing with serious accidents/injuries: when to call emergency services
Children are often injured unintentionally during the normal course of a day. Many of these injuries, such as scrapes and bruises, are minor and only need simple First Aid. Other injuries may be serious and require medical attention beyond First Aid. In any case, follow the above Procedure in the Event of an Accident or Incident
A 112/999 call or a call to a local emergency number should be made in the case of any of the following:
· You believe the injury is life threatening or there is a risk of permanent injury to the child/adult, for example -
o Severe neck or head injury
o Choking
o Shock
o Chemicals in the eyes, on the skin, or ingested in the mouth
o Near-drowning.
· They are acting strangely, much less alert, or much more withdrawn than usual.
· They have difficulty breathing or are unable to speak.
· Their skin or lips look blue, purple or grey.
· They have rhythmic jerking of arms and legs and a loss of consciousness (seizure).
· They are unconscious.
· They become progressively less responsive.
· They have any of the following after a head injury: decrease in alertness, confusion, headache, vomiting, irritability or difficulty walking.
· They have increasing or severe pain anywhere.
· They have a cut or burn that is large, deep, to the head, chest or abdomen and/or won’t stop bleeding.
· They have a suspected fracture.
· Severe or persistent vomiting.
· They are vomiting blood.
· Their stool contains blood.
· They have a severe stiff neck, headache and fever.
· They are significantly dehydrated: sunken eyes, lethargic, not making tears, not urinating.
If a child or adult is bitten by a child:
· First Aid must be administered.
· Where the bite causes bleeding, it is advisable to attend the GP as soon as possible.
· In the case of a child being bitten, the parents/guardians of both children are notified
· The Biting Policy must be followed (See Behaviour Guidance Policy).
Information is to be shared with parents/guardians only in respect of their own child
The accident will be investigated as soon as possible and all necessary corrective and preventative actions to eliminate the risk of recurrence will be taken immediately. Following the investigation, all information will be reviewed to determine if there is a need for a change in policy and/or practice.
It is essential to keeps a very clear written accident and incident reports records are signed by both person in charge and witness for evidence.
A staff member who witnessed the accident/incident/injury completes a report form on all accidents/incidents/injuries that occur in the service.
Maintain an accident/incident report including:
· Name, date of birth and age of the child or adult affected.
· Name of person/s dealing with the accident/incident.
· Date and time of the accident/incident.
· Place of the accident/incident.
· Detailed description of the accident/incident or injuries.
· Circumstances surrounding that caused the accident/incident or injuries.
· Name of the parents/guardians contacted.
· Treatment provided – medication or First Aid administered.
· Names and signatures of any person(s) present.
· Details and signatures of any witness/es.
· Names of those to whom the accident was notified and date and time.
· When the child was collected and by whom or removed to hospital.
· Details of the accident area/layout including the number of adults and children present.
· Signatures of parents or guardians.
· Details of any investigation completed in relation to the accident/incident.
· Details of all required corrective and preventative actions taken.
· Details of any changes made to policy and/or practice following the review of the accident or incident.
· Details of whether the incident/accident has been notified to Tusla – see Appendix B.
· Details of notification of the accident/incident to other external party such as:
· Tusla Social Work Services if there is a child protection concern.
· Garda Síochána where there is a danger to staff or children, or a criminal offence.
· Health and Safety Authority where the incident is dangerous or a staff member has been injured as a result.
· The Service’s insurance, where appropriate.
· Name and signature of the person writing the report.
· Time and date of the report.
· Review and close off of the report by the Registered Provider.
Risk Assessment and Safety Statement
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, risk assessments are carried out regularly to identify any hazards present, assess the risks arising from such hazards and identify the steps to be taken to deal with any risks.
A safety statement is prepared which is based on the risk assessment. The statement contains the details of staff members who are responsible for safety issues.
These persons are: _____Lidia Glowka and Iwona Sawicka
The risk assessment and safety statement can be viewed on a regular basis.
The safety statement is reviewed by the management on a regular basis.
Responsibilities of Manager in dealing with Accident/ Incident or Injuries
· The manager is responsible for ensuring that:
· Risk assessments are carried out and a safety statement is provided
· All staff members are aware of their responsibility to help prevent accidents and incidents
· All staff members know exactly what to do in the event of an accident, incident or injury.
o Contact details for emergency services are displayed clearly in a readily accessible location close to an easily accessible telephone.
o Contact details for the local GP are always immediately accessible.
o At least one member of staff on duty has completed a recognised First Aid course for children (First Aid Response- FAR).
· The written procedures, agreed by the owner/management committee, are made accessible. Each staff member must be made aware of their responsibility to follow the outlined procedure in the event of an accident/incident.
· Each staff member reads and understands the agreed written procedures.
· It is the manager’s responsibility to:
o Provide a properly stocked First Aid box in each section of the service. The First Aid box must be accompanied by a list of essential contents.
o Assign a member of staff to restock the First Aid box after every use and to do a monthly check to ensure that the contents match the essential contents list and supplies are in date. See Appendix A for First Aid box contents list.
o Contact the emergency services in the event of a serious injury.
o Contact the parents/guardians as soon as possible.
o In the absence of the parent/guardian being available arrange for a staff member to accompany a child in an ambulance or to a GP if necessary.
o Arrange for relief staff, if required.
o Assess whether an incident is to be deemed a Critical Incident.
· Assess whether an accident/incident is one which is to be notified to Tusla and/or other appropriate outside authorities and to ensure that this is done effectively and efficiently.
Follow up contact with the child’s parents/guardians
Out of concern for all of the children and families attending the service, in the case of an accident involving a child we would wish to contact the child’s parent on the day following the accident/incident to know how the child is recovering.
Reporting to Tusla Early Years Inspectorate
In addition, a Notification of Incident Form is completed and submitted to Tusla Early Years Inspectorate where any of the incidents detailed in Appendix B of this policy occur.
Retention of records
Records are retained for a period of two years from the date on which the child to whom the record relates ceased to attend the service.
5. Communication Plan for staff and families
All parents/guardians are to be informed of the policy and procedures regarding Accidents, Incidents or Injuries on enrolment. Staff members will check with parents/guardians that they have read and understood the policy and provide any assistance needed.
The Policy Statement will be included in the Parent Handbook. This policy will also be reviewed with staff at induction and annual staff training.
A copy of all policies will be available during all hours of operation to all staff and to parents/guardians in the Policy Folder located on Play Together Creche’s website at www.playtogethergalway.com
Policies are shared with all parents/guardians via email.
Parents/guardians may receive a copy of the full policy at any time upon request. Parents/guardians and staff will receive notification of any updates through Play together Creche’s official communication panel.
6. Related Policies, Procedures and Forms
· Outings Policy
· Policy on Safe Sleep
· Policy on Administration of Medication
· Risk Management Policy
· Staff Ratio Policy
· Confidentiality Policy
· Health and Safety Policy
· Record Keeping Policy
· Partnership with Parents and Carers Policy
· Behaviour Guidance Policy
· Critical Incident Plan
· Content of First Aid Box (See Appendix A)
· Form for Notification of Incidents and Accidents to Tusla (See Appendix B)
· Accident and Incident Report Form (See Appendix C)
7. References/Supporting Documents/Related Legislation
· Tusla Quality and Regulatory Framework
· UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
· Child Care Act 1991(Early Years Services) Regulations 2016
· Health and Safety at Work Acts 2005 and 2010 and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007
· Supporting Quality, Barnardos, 2008
· RoSPA Fact Sheet 8: Coping with Accidents
8. Who Must Observe This Policy
This policy must be observed by all managers and all staff members.
9. Actions to be Followed if the Policy is not Implemented
If the policy is not implemented, investigation will be taken by Manager/Owner (Iwona Sawicka).
If you, as a staff member or a parent, consider that this policy is not being implemented, you can follow the Complaints Policy and Procedure to make a complaint.
10. Contact Information
If you need more information about this policy, contact:
Name |
Iwona Sawicka
Phone number or email |
0833187143 091/458167 or 091/458999 |
11. Policy Created
Date this policy was created |
March 2016 |
12. Signatures
Name and position |
Signature |
Approved by |
Iwona Sawicka |
Iwona Sawicka |
13. Review Date
Reviewed |
March 2017 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed |
March 2018 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed |
March 2019 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed and updated
Reviewed |
March 2020
March 2021 |
Iwona Sawicka
Iwona Sawicka |
Next Review Date
Date this policy will be reviewed |
March 2022 |