9. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Inclusion Policy
Play Together ensures that the needs (including the physical, emotional and intellectual needs) of all children attending are addressed.
‘Participation in inclusive high-quality early childhood settings enhances all children’s early learning experiences. In an inclusive setting there is an awareness and respect for each child’s individual strengths and areas of difficulty. Inclusive settings engage in meaningful collaboration with parents/guardians and other professionals to ensure access, equality and full participation for all children’ (DCYA, 2016: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education
Play Together service provision is carried out ‘without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child’s or his/her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status’ (UN-CRC, 1989Convention on the Rights of the Child, Section 2.1).
The purpose of Play Together Inclusion Policy is to ensure that:
· The service is a place where everyone, irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, sexual orientation, ability, disability and social circumstances, feels safe, feels a sense of belonging, is respected and valued and has their individual needs understood and met as far as resources allow within the context of the service provided.
· In line with Aistear and Síolta, the curriculum/programme reflects the identities of all children and recognises their abilities and interests.
· All children are enabled to meaningfully participate in all aspects of the curriculum/programme, and learning is extended to challenge and promote the individual child’s abilities and development.
· That service planning and provision embraces the needs of all children and works to deliver an inclusive and accessible environment for all.
· Children of all abilities have equal access to culturally and developmentally appropriate play-based educational activities, both indoors and outdoors, which develop their understanding, dispositions, skills and holistic development.
· Parents are acknowledged as the primary educators and experts on their child, and the smooth transitioning from home to the early childhood care and education setting is supported.
· The service works in partnership with parents, families and the wider community to promote equality of opportunity and to oppose all forms of bias, oppressive behaviour, prejudice and discrimination.
· The service provides opportunities that help develop children’s sense of personal and group identity so that they can become confident, open to difference, receptive to change and respectful towards other identities.
· The service enables children and staff members to have the confidence and skills to challenge instances of prejudice and discrimination.
· Children and our staff members are equipped to understand that reason, logic, respect and sensitivity have to underpin ways and means of resolving arguments and conflicts.
· Equality of opportunity is an integral part of all planning and decision making within the service.
· Our service operates inclusive recruitment practices
· Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education (DCYA, 2016)
The Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy has implications for most aspects of Play Together service provision including:
· The Workplace – diversity among the workforce and interaction between staff members.
· Management of Human Resources – Play Together Crèche is an equal opportunities employer- staff are selected using a fair, non- biased and strict recruitment, interviewing, training and advertising procedure.
· Admissions – Considering content and wording of application forms; offers of places; waiting lists; criteria.
· Resources – All materials are to positively and accurately reflect cultural and racial diversity. These materials will help children to develop their self-respect and respect other people by avoiding stereotypes. We use a range of books, images, music and songs and experiences that reflect diversity. Boys and girls are to have equal opportunity, and be actively encouraged to use all activities.
· Pedagogy and Learning Styles – Our staff members are taking account of the different learning styles which the children in the group use to concentrate, process and retain information when planning activities and program.
· Curriculum/Program - All children are to be respected and their individuality and potential recognized, valued and nurtured. Activities and the use of play equipment will offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination. Through the proactive use of planning and curriculum development opportunities will be given to children to explore, acknowledge and value similarities and differences between themselves and others. It is important for children to experience a variety of cultures at an early age so that they realise that cultural diversity is part of everyday life. We ask families to share their own cultures, religion and traditions with our staff so that all values are respected and celebrated in the service. It is our objective to support and encourage each child in their experience and guide them to embrace their own values and the values of others. These experiences help set the child’s foundations and potentially shape the people they will become.
· English as an additional language- see Procedures below
· Guiding Behaviour - Any discrimination (language, behaviour or remarks) by children, parents/carers or staff/volunteers is unacceptable in the service. Discrimination will be positively challenged by supporting the victim and helping those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudices.
· Communication – Play Together ensures that all parents/guardians and staff members are able to communicate clearly with one another (‘Plain English’/translation/interpretation etc. where necessary).
· Assessment – Our service ensures no form of assessment discriminates unjustifiably.
· Funding – Play Together Crèche will work in consultation with the staff, the parents/guardians of the child, and other professionals and/or agencies working with the family to determine additional resources required to meet the functional and developmental needs of the child and to determine the suitability of Play Together Crèche in meeting these needs.
· Training – Providing appropriate physical and staffing resources within the budget constraints of the service.
Legislation and regulatory requirements
· Tusla: Quality and Regulatory Framework
· Child Care Act 1991(Early Years Services) Regulations 2016
· U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in particular Article 2 (UNCRC, 1989)
· Irish Constitution (Bunreacht na hEireann) in particular Articles 40.1, 40.3.1, 40.3.2 and 44.3.3.
· Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015
· See also p9 of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education Department of Children and Youth Affairs 2016 for a more extensive list of international agreements, Irish legislation and national and European policy
Children need:
· A safe, accessible environment that facilitates, supports and encourages a positive individual and group identity.
· Well-trained and informed staff who understand their individual culture, identity, needs and interests.
· Equal access to a differentiated and full curriculum/programme that caters for their individual and particular needs.
· A policy that ensures that they can learn to be comfortable with difference, to identify what is fair and unfair and to be able to stand up for themselves and others.
Parents/guardians need:
· To know that their child will have their individual learning and development needs met and that their family culture and identity will be recognised and valued.
· To be communicated with clearly and effectively, and be able to communicate effectively, with the people who they trust to care for and educate their children.
· Parents and other family members also need to have equal access to and participation in the service environment and to feel a sense of belonging when visiting the service.
Staff needs:
· To know and to ensure service’s processes are fair, open and transparent and not discriminatory.
· To work in and be involved in providing a safe, anti-bias, accessible environment.
· Be supported to be comfortable with difference and to engage effectively with parents/guardians and families; to be able to critically think about and confidently engage in dialogue around issues of equality, diversity, inclusion, bias and discrimination.
· Be able to have effective two-way communication with all of the children they care for and educate, and with their parents/guardians and families.
Management needs;
To know that all those who use the service or who work in it have their individual needs met as far as possible within the context of the service and that staff members have the appropriate skills and knowledge to meet the diverse needs of all of the children who use the service and their families.
Play Together ensure through this policy that:
· The service does not discriminate against anyone directly or indirectly, that all relevant legislation and regulation is fully complied with and that the service meets quality standards.
· All of the service’s policies and procedures reflect a commitment to equality and inclusion and that the service promotes positive and proactive approaches to valuing and respecting diversity.
· All staff members and management contribute to the development and review of policies.
· Steps are taken to enable the contribution of the children to the development of policies and procedures.
· Parents/guardians are facilitated to contribute in whatever ways suit them best.
· The review and evaluation of policies is used to identify specific actions to address equality, diversity and inclusion issues.
· Interactions with children and curriculum/programme content are monitored to ensure appropriate content and breadth of content.
National Quality Frameworks
· Tusla: Quality and Regulatory Framework
· Síolta: The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education
· Aistear: The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework
· Early Years Education focussed Inspection (EYEI) Framework (Department of Education and Skills)
· Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education
· Better Start Access and Inclusion Model (AIM)
2. Definitions/Glossary
Pedagogy |
Pedagogy is a term that is used to refer to the whole range of interactions which support the child’s development. |
The incorporation of children with additional needs into the crèche to ensure that they have equal opportunities to achieve their maximum potential. |
Additional needs |
Children whose development, in one or more of the following areas, needs additional support - mobility, expressive and/or receptive communication, social behaviour, behavioural control, fine/gross motor skills, vision, hearing, self-care, cognitive skills.
3. Policy Statement
Equal opportunity for children to learn is a fundamental aspect of our services curriculum. Equality means open access for every child and family to participate in the Play Together Crèche activities. Play Together Crèche is committed to promoting equality of opportunity. We promote equal opportunities through a wide range of policies and procedures which are reflected in the practice of our early years setting.
Play Together Crèche is committed to:
· Providing all children with the opportunity to access the service regardless of their ability within the expertise and resources available and in accordance with the best interests of the child
· Respecting the rights of all children to participate in a quality children’s programme
· Providing a family-based approach which recognises that parents know their children best and want the best for their children
· Recognising that families are different and unique
· Recognising that all children learn in different ways and at different rates
· A child’s right to social inclusion.
Any discrimination (language, behaviour or remarks) by children, parents/carers or staff/volunteers is unacceptable in the service. Discrimination will be positively challenged by supporting the victim and helping those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudices.
4. Procedures & Practices
All children in Play Together are supported in:
· Feeling secure and valued as unique individuals.
· Knowing their culture backgrounds and respected and valued.
· Engaging with materials and experiences that reflect a range of social cultural backgrounds, gender and ability (visitors, books, music, musical instrument, cooking activities, craft, clothing, multicultural dolls, multicultural jigsaws, games, play equipment, and other props).
· Having a common curriculum experience that allows for a range of different learning styles
· Participating fully, having particular regard for and being cognisant of children with a variety of disabilities.
Families are supported to:
· Consult with our service about the care of each child to minimise conflict between our service and philosophy and family values.
· Participate in Play Together programme and to introduce their culture’s food, music, language, celebrations and dress to the other children in our service.
Staff members will promote equality, diversity and inclusion. They will:
· Remove assumptions, judgements and expectations about the culture and linguistic backgrounds of all families and the team.
· Provide equal opportunities for all children of all backgrounds.
· Actively intervene in situations when bias is shown and encourage children to challenge bias.
· Demonstrate positive attitudes when making changes to accommodate all children.
· Work as a team with parents and other staff members/or professionals to develop, carry out and review plans for children with additional needs.
Children who have little or no English language:
To help children with little or no English we will:
· Ensure inclusion in the group and staff will talk to the child, speaking slowly and simply, demonstrating what is meant by the words.
· Support the child and parents by a staff member who will try and learn some key phrases in the child’s language, e.g. ‘hello’ ‘goodbye’ ‘hungry’ ‘thirsty’ ‘do you need help?’
· We encourage children to use their home language whenever they are so inclined. Dual language books are helpful to encourage the use of other languages.
· Make it easy for the child to settle into the setting, we encourage other children to talk to non-English speaking children in the same way as usual.
· Parents are invited to help with key words and phrases in the child’s home language.
· We aim to show respect for and awareness of all major events in the lives of the children and families in the service and in the wider society. Without indoctrination we aim to acknowledge festivals celebrated by all families in our local community and in the wider society through stories, activities, special food and clothing which reflect the diversity of life. We have a sensitive approach to Father’s Day, Mother’s Day etc. and welcome parents contributions.
Dealing with Discriminatory incidents:
· Discrimination is recognised and what is happening is openly acknowledged.
· Behaviour management procedures are followed (see Behaviour Guidance Policy).
· All children are informed that name-calling or physically hurting someone is unacceptable.
· When a discriminatory incident occurs both children can learn from the incident, if the adult intervene immediately and without shaming or blaming individual children.
· Staff will endeavour to determine the real reason for incidents involving exclusion or conflict. It may not be a discriminatory incident, but a misunderstanding arising from cultural, individual and social differences or from the way children communicate with each other. Staff members will be careful not to make assumptions.
· An incident should be considered from the perspectives of all individuals involved as well as those who witnessed it.
· Appropriate actions needs to be taken, at circle time or group discussions, in order to address incidents witnessed by children who were not involved. This does not mean singling children out in the group. It can be done by talking of the issue in general terms, and inviting children to freely express themselves without referring to the accident.
· By showing empathy and expressing our feelings, we help children to express their feelings.
· All staff members are aware of their own attitude and respond that can shape children’s behaviour.
5. Communication Plan for Staff and Families
All parents/guardians are to be informed of the policy and procedures regarding Diversity, Equality and Inclusion on enrollment. Staff members will check with parents/guardians that they have read and understood the policy and provide any assistance needed.
A summary of this policy is included in the Parents’/guardians’ Handbook. This policy will also be included in staff induction and annual staff training.
A copy of all policies will be available during all hours of operation to all staff and to parents/guardians in the Policy Folder located on Play Together Creche’s website at www.playtogethergalway.com
Policies are shared with all parents/guardians via email.
Parents/guardians may receive a copy of the full policy at any time upon request. Parents/guardians and staff will receive notification of any updates through Play together Creche’s official communication panel.
6. Related Policies, Procedures and Forms
· Staff Training Policy
· Recruitment Policy
· Behaviour Guidance Policy
· Settling In Policy
· Admissions/ Enrollment Policy
· Interactions and Communication Policy
· Curriculum Policy
· Partnership with Parents and Carers Policy
· Equality and Diversity Policy
· Inclusion of Children with Special Needs Policy
· Child Development Policy
7. References/Supporting Documents/Related Legislation
· Tusla: Quality and Regulatory Framework
· Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016
· Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education
· Better Start Access and Inclusion Model (AIM)
· Síolta: The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education
· Aistear: The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework
· Early Years Education focussed Inspection (EYEI) Framework (Department of Education and Skills)
· Dcya (2016) Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education
· UN-CRC United Nations Commission for the Rights of the Child (1989) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
8. Who Must Observe This Policy
a) Owner/Manager
· Ensuring the service complies with all relevant legislation, guidelines and the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion National Charter.
· Ensuring the policy and its related procedures and practices are implemented.
· Implementing the policy and its related procedures and practices.
· Ensuring that all staff members are aware of their responsibilities and given appropriate training and support.
· Taking appropriate action in any cases of discrimination.
· Having a member of staff designated and trained as Inclusion Coordinator [1].
c) The Inclusion Coordinator
Inclusion Coordinator of Play Together is Iwona Sawicka.
· Supporting the Service Management in providing a leadership role on inclusion in the setting and ensuring the appropriate implementation of this policy.
d) All Staff Team Members
· Knowing how to identify and challenge bias and stereotyping and dealing with any related incidents.
· Promoting equality and good relations and not discriminating on grounds of gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, sexual orientation, age, ability, disability or social circumstances.
· Keeping up to date on diversity, equality and inclusion issues by attending training and information opportunities.
e) Parents/Guardians
· Being aware of and complying with the service’s Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy and understanding that it applies to all children and all those involved in and with the service.
· Supporting staff team members in developing a shared understanding and an appreciation of the benefits of an anti-bias/anti-discriminatory approach.
f) Relevant Agencies (such as Tusla, HSE, Pobal)
· Supporting the service in the development and implementation of the policy. Being aware of and complying with the service’s Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy.
g) Visitors
· Being aware of and complying with the service’s Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy.
9.Actions to be Followed if the Policy is not Implemented
If the policy is not implemented, investigation will be taken by Manager/Owner (Iwona Sawicka).
If you, as a staff member or a parent, consider that this policy is not being implemented, you can follow the Complaints Policy and Procedure to make a complaint.
Victims of bullying, harassment and/or discrimination will be given every support. Those responsible will also be supported by appropriately challenging the behaviour, by providing accurate information on the issue, by giving the person an opportunity to think about the effects of their actions and by being clear that such behaviour is not accepted in this service.
Equality and Diversity Policy
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991) states:
“It is the States obligation to protect children from any form of discrimination and to take positive action to promote their rights”.
Equal opportunity for children to learn is a fundamental aspect of our services curriculum. Equality means open access for every child and family to participate in the Play Together Creche activities. Play Together Creche is committed to promoting equality of opportunity. We promote equal opportunities through a wide range of policies and procedures which are reflected in the practice of our early years setting.
Policy and Procedures
We provide equal opportunities by ensuring that:
• We are aware that everyone’s tastes vary and each of us has a different way of doing things. We all have different interests and ways of expressing ourselves.
• All staff have a responsibility to show clearly, through their work, that they respect all children and their families regardless of ability, culture, beliefs and traditions.
• Staff are non-discriminatory, and we believe in equal attention and care for all children without regard to race, gender, national origin, ancestry or special needs.
Staff do not demonstrate favouritism towards any child.
Staff should not develop favouritism or become over involved with any one child. The children in our service should be comfortable in the care of any of our staff as there may be different staff working each day with groups or individual children. Children can feel resentful or isolated if staff always favour one child and a child who is always over indulged or favoured can be led to feel that he or she can do no wrong and grow up to have a feeling of entitlement which may affect future relationships and behaviour as an adult.
Everyone in the community regardless of religious affiliation, political background, race, culture, linguistic needs, disability, sexual orientation or age, has access to the service.
The Curriculum:
• All children are to be respected and their individuality and potential recognised, valued and nurtured.
• Activities and the use of play equipment will offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination.
• Through the proactive use of planning and curriculum development opportunities will be given to children to explore, acknowledge and value similarities and differences between themselves and others.
• It is important for children to experience a variety of cultures at an early age so that they realise that cultural diversity is part of everyday life.
• We ask families to share their own cultures, religions and traditions with our staff so that all values are respected and celebrated in the service.
• It is our objective to support and encourage each child in their experience and guide them to embrace their own values and the values of others. These experiences help set the child’s foundations and potentially shape the people they will become.
All materials are to positively and accurately reflect cultural and racial diversity. These materials will help children to develop their self-respect and respect other people by avoiding stereotypes. We use a range of books, images, music and songs and experiences that reflect diversity. Boys and girls are to have equal opportunity, and be actively encouraged to use all activities.
Discriminatory Behaviour/Remarks:
Any discrimination (language, behaviour or remarks) by children, parents/carers or staff/volunteers is unacceptable in the service. Discrimination will be positively challenged by supporting the victim and helping those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudices.
We aim to show respect for and awareness of all major events in the lives of the children and families in the service and in the wider society. Without indoctrination we aim to acknowledge festivals celebrated by all families in our local community and in the wider society through stories, activities, special food and clothing which reflect the diversity of life. We have a sensitive approach to Father’s Day, Mother’s Day etc. and welcome parents contributions.
Play Together Creche is an equal opportunities employer- staff are selected using a fair, non- biased and strict recruitment procedure.
For us at Play Together Creche it is important that all children and their parents feel welcome and encouraged to be involved.
To help children with little or no English we will:
• Ensure inclusion in the group and staff will talk to the child, speaking slowly and simply, demonstrating what is meant by the words.
• Support the child and parents by a staff member who will try and learn some key phrases in the child’s language, e.g. ‘hello’ ‘goodbye’ ‘hungry’ ‘thirsty’ ‘do you need help?’
• We encourage children to use their home language whenever they are so inclined. Dual language books are helpful to encourage the use of other languages.
• Make it easy for the child to settle into the setting, we encourage other children to talk to non English speaking children in the same way as usual.
• Parents are invited to help with key words and phrases in the child’s home language.
10. Contact Information
If you need more information about this policy, contact:
Name |
Iwona Sawicka
Phone number or email |
0833187143 091/458167 or 091/458999 |
11. Policy Created
Date this policy was created |
March 2016 |
12. Signatures
Name and position |
Signature |
Approved by |
Iwona Sawicka |
13. Review Date
Reviewed |
March 2017 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed |
March 2018 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed |
March 2019 |
Iwona Sawicka |
Reviewed and updated Reviewed |
March 2020
March 2021 |
Iwona Sawicka
Iwona Sawicka |
NEXT Review Date
Date this policy will be reviewed |
March 2022 |